Ship & Delivery Times
Estimated shipping times are posted on the product information page under the title “Ships On Or Before:” please note that all lead-times are estimates. For items in our warehouse, we usually ship within 3 business days. For items only available at distribution or other sources, the ship time may be up to 10 business days. For items only available at the manufacturer, the lead-time may be a few weeks or longer– depending on availability.
Please also note that some items are unique, hard to obtain, or one-of-a-kind, so We reserve the right to cancel your order should an item not be available to ship.
We will not charge your credit card until your product ships, except for certain special orders.
We normally will ship FedEx and US POSTAL. If you need faster shipment, we can ship 2nd Day or Next Day for an extra charge.
Alaska and Hawaii residents – your order MUST ship 2nd day or faster. Most orders over $100 value will ship with a signature-required to ensure they make it to you. Products that have free shipping only applies to the lower 48 states.
NOTE: We make every effort to get your order shipped as fast as possible. In some circumstances, especially during sales and after weekends, we may not get your order shipped in the time specified. Please rest assured that we will ship your item as soon as we can.