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How to Move a Gun Safe: Protect Your Stuff Like You Protect Your Rights

Introduction: There may come a time when you need to move your gun safe to a new location. This could be due to a move to a new home, remodeling your current home, or simply wanting to reposition the safe for better accessibility. Maybe you just want a change. Whatever the reason, it’s critical to properly move your gun safe to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your valuables. A gun safe is a heavy and awkward item to move. Attempting to do so without the proper tools and techniques can result in injury or damage to the safe and its contents. In this article, we’ll go over the steps you should take to safely and effectively move your gun safe to its new location. Questions on gun safes? Connect with our team! Preparation: Before you start moving your gun safe, it’s important to properly prepare. First, gather all the tools and equipment you’ll need. This may include a dolly, straps or ropes to secure the safe, a security cable to lock the safe, and protective padding to prevent damage to the safe or your floors. Next, remove all guns and valuables from the safe. It’s important to keep these items secure and separate from the safe during the moving process. Once the safe is empty, it’s a good idea to lock it to prevent anyone from accidentally opening it during the move. You should also attach a security cable to the safe to prevent it from being lifted and stolen. Keep a note page with a list of the inventory so you know everything was accounted for coming out and going back in. Heavy Lifting Safes: Identifying the best lifting points is crucial for successfully lifting it. Most gun safes have designated lifting points, which are usually located at the corners of the safe. It’s important to use these points rather than trying to lift the safe from the handle or other areas, as this can cause damage to the safe. It’s also important to have a team of at least 3-4 people to lift the safe. This will help distribute the weight evenly and make the lifting process safer and easier. When lifting the safe, it’s important to use proper lifting techniques to avoid injury. This means using your legs to lift rather than your back, keeping the safe close to your body, and avoiding twisting or turning your body while lifting. Transporting Safes: Before loading the safe into the moving vehicle, it’s important to measure the safes size and the dimensions of the vehicle to ensure that the will fit. It’s also a good idea to measure the size of doorways and hallways at your new location to make sure the safe will fit through them. Once you’ve confirmed that the safe will fit in the vehicle and at its new location, it’s time to load it. Using straps or ropes, secure the safe to the moving vehicle to prevent it from shifting during transport. It’s important to make sure the safe is securely fastened to prevent it from falling out of the vehicle or causing an accident. When driving to the new house, it’s important to take care and avoid sharp turns or sudden stops. These can cause the safe to shift and potentially fall, resulting in damage to the safe and its contents, as well as potential injury to those in the vehicle. Reinstalling Safes: Once you’ve arrived at the new location, it’s time to reinstall the safe. The first step is to choose a location for the safe that is strong enough to support its weight. This may mean finding a spot on the ground floor or a location with a reinforced floor or wall. Before placing gun safes in their new location, it’s a good idea to use a level to ensure that they are properly aligned. This will help prevent any issues with the door or locks in the future. Depending on the size and weight of your safe, you may need to secure it to the floor or wall to prevent it from tipping over or being moved. This can be done using bolts or other types of anchors. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper way to secure your specific safe. Conclusion on Moving Safes: In summary, moving a gun safe requires careful preparation and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined above, you can safely and effectively move your gun safe to its new location. Gun safes are subject to a lot of movement during transport, so make sure to store all firearms, ammo and important items in a safe place while moving. Even though gun safes are generally fire resistant, your important documents are not. You will want to have a variety of short-term waterproof storage safes for accessing needed items during the move. Small Gun cabinets with drawers can be helpful for storing your articles that have no room for error. Remember to gather all necessary tools and equipment, remove all guns and valuable items, secure it with a lock and security cable, use proper lifting techniques, measure the safes size and the moving vehicle, secure the safe in the vehicle using straps or ropes, and choose a strong location to install the safe, using a level to ensure proper alignment. By following these guidelines, you can protect your valuables and ensure the safety of yourself and others during the moving process. If you can’t move it yourself, hire a contractor to move it for you. Local companies in your region specialize in moving safes. Many of the companies selling safes also offer moving services. When Buying Safes: Gun safes come in a variety of sizes, so choose from brands and a manufacturer you trust when purchasing gun safes. It’s important to know what you’re buying. Your collection depends on it! If you only need a small gun safe with easy access to your firearms, be sure to check out […]

5 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Home Defense Handgun

Choosing the right home defense handgun can be an intimidating and confusing process. With so many different makes and models out there, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. To help you out, here are five tips to help you make the right decision when it comes to selecting a home defense handgun. 1. Consider Your Comfort Level When it comes to choosing a home defense handgun, there are a few things you should take into consideration. First and foremost, you want to make sure that you are comfortable with the size, weight, and feel of the gun. If you’re not comfortable with it, you’re not going to be able to use it effectively in a self-defense situation. You should also consider the recoil of the gun and how it will feel when firing it. If you’re not used to the recoil, it can be difficult to control the gun and you may not be able to hit your target. Taking the time to test out different models is a great way to determine which gun will be the most comfortable for you. 2. Choose the Right Caliber The caliber of the handgun is another important factor to consider when selecting a home defense handgun. Generally speaking, the larger the caliber, the more stopping power the gun will have. However, you should also be aware of the recoil and size of the gun that comes with larger calibers. 3. Get the Right Accessories Accessories can make a big difference when it comes to home defense handguns. Consider getting a holster that fits the gun snugly and provides quick access, as well as a spare magazine for added firepower. Sights are another important consideration. You should choose a gun with sights that you’re comfortable with and that will work well in low-light conditions. You should also think about the type of trigger you want. A double-action trigger is safer to use, but a single-action trigger is usually more accurate. 4. Practice, Practice, Practice Once you’ve chosen a home defense handgun, it’s important to practice with it. Make sure you become comfortable with the gun and know how to handle it properly. You should also practice shooting from different positions and distances to make sure you are prepared for any situation. 5. Stay Updated on Laws and Regulations Lastly, it’s important to stay informed about the laws and regulations surrounding the carrying and use of firearms. Make sure you research any local laws or regulations that may affect your ownership of a home defense handgun. Conclusion By following these five tips, you can ensure that you make the right decision when choosing a home defense handgun. Take the time to research different makes and models and make sure you get the right accessories for your gun. Finally, practice with the gun and make sure you stay updated on laws and regulations. By doing so, you can ensure that you are prepared for any situation.

Lets get into Distance-Intro into Long-Range

Long-range shooting has been getting more and more popular among firearm enthusiasts. We see influence from movies and video games depicting this. Along with that, manufacturers have noticed this trend. Because of this, it has become much easier to experience the satisfaction of hitting a target at distance. To become proficient at long-range shooting, several important factors must be considered. These include equipment selection, practice, understanding ballistics, weather variables, and geographic location. Equipment Selection When it comes to long-range shooting, equipment selection is key. You’ll need a rifle and ammunition that’s capable of accurate and consistent shots at long distances. This means choosing a rifle with a heavy barrel, free-floated stock or chassis system, a precision trigger, and a high-quality optic. Sky’s the limit with equipment. With countless manufacturers, we have the luxury of a wide variety of choices. We have the option of 1000-yard-ready rifles straight from the factory in all sorts of price ranges or take on the rather addicting world of custom-built rifles. Either way, the choice depends on your application. Distances, different forms of competition, hunting, or just flexing on your friends with a rifle capable of .10 MOA at 100 yards. Be careful making the mistake of fixating on the rifle only (of which, in my early years of long-range shooting, I am guilty of doing). Glass is as important as anything else. Too many times have I seen someone’s kitted-out rifle with sub-par glass. It’s like seeing a fully restored ’69 Chevy Camaro with a 4-banger under the hood. It hurts my soul. Don’t get me wrong, absolutely work around your budget. Selling kidneys is not what you should be doing to achieve your long-range dreams. Great manufacturers make budget-friendly rifles and optics. Some examples of rifles are the Howa 1500, Savage 110, and Remington 700 (Some of the more well-known manufacturers). Plenty of optic choices as well. Such as the Vortex Diamondback Tactical Line and Burris Signature HD Line. Again, there are many more choices than this. Determine your application, do some research, and make an informed decision. The caliber of the rifle is also a very debated topic amongst LR enthusiasts. 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 PRC, .308 Winchester, 300 Winchester Magnum, 300 PRC, .338 Lapua, the list goes back to seemingly the dawn of man. Many factors go into deciding the right cartridge for, your application. Many of these cartridges will be good to start and get experience with. Keep in mind the price of ammunition as well, especially these days. Training and Practice Long-range shooting requires patience and practice. This means spending time in dry fire sessions to make sure you can control your breath and trigger control. Also slinging lead at the range, honing your skills, and mastering the fundamentals of marksmanship. One important aspect of long-range shooting is learning how to read the wind and environmental conditions. Wind can have a significant impact on a bullet’s trajectory, and accurately gauging wind speed and direction is essential for making accurate shots. Big tip here, spend time watching the mirage through your optic. This is a skill that will help you determine the direction of the wind and help you focus on the target. In addition to practicing at the range, it’s also important to train for shooting positions that are common in long-range shooting scenarios. This can include prone, kneeling, and standing positions. Understanding Ballistics Another important factor in long-range shooting is understanding ballistics. This means knowing how your bullet will behave at different distances, and how factors like wind and gravity will affect its trajectory. Sure, you can get behind someone’s rifle and smack steel at 1 mile after they have spun the spinney nobs on the scope and input some hieroglyphics into a little calculator with a fan built in (as long as you have the fundamentals of shooting, of course). Learning to do this on your own, is an adventure. The previously mentioned Rosetta stone for ballistics is a Ballistic Calculator. These tools allow you to input information about your rifle, ammunition, and environmental conditions, and provide you with detailed information about bullet trajectory and drop. They can come in the form of an app on your phone (Strelok Pro is a great app) or as a standalone, hand-held device with a built-in wind reader. Final Thoughts Long-range shooting is a challenging and rewarding hobby. There is loads of information on the internet to help further grow this passion and develop your skill. Explore Impact Guns as we have the equipment and tools to get you to defeat the distance.

Beginner Tips on Rifle Selection: The 5 Types of Rifles

So you want to buy a rifle? Great, but what makes a rifle different from other firearms, like a shotgun for example? Rifles are shoulder-fired firearms. Rifle barrels have grooves that spin the projectile for better accuracy and range. Rifles come in many types. Bolt action rifles, semi automatic rifles, full automatic rifles, and muzzleloaders. This post will talk about some of the most common types of rifles: 1. Single Shot Rifles A single shot rifle fires one round at a time. It’s usually reloaded after each shot and has few moving parts. Bolt-action, break-action, muzzleloaders, and more are single-shot rifles. Single-shot rifles limit to firing one round at a time. They are for precision shooting and hunting. Single shot rifles are great for teaching young and inexperienced shooters. They cannot fire more than one round at a time. 2. Bolt Action Rifles This kind of rifle makes the user load and unload ammunition themselves. The process involves pulling the bolt back to eject the spent case. Then push the bolt forward to chamber a new round. The rounds load from a magazine or insert into the chamber. Magazines can be internal or external box type mags. A bolt-action rifle is the preferred choice for accurate shooting and hunting. Its action is simple and reliable. Bolt actions are simple. They have a slower rate of fire. Each shot needs to count, making it ideal for those who want to make the most of a single shot. 3. Muzzleloader Rifles This rifle requires the user to load it from the front of the barrel, which is the muzzle. For each shot fired, the user must insert a powder charge, a bullet or ball, and a new percussion cap for ignition. Muzzleloaders have the design of early rifles used during the Revolutionary War. They have a slower rate of fire. They are also more complicated to reload than modern firearms. They are inefficienct for combat and self-defense. But, muzzleloaders are still used by hunters. 4. Lever-Action Rifles A lever-action rifle is a gun that requires the user to operate a lever. It’s near the trigger and ejects a spent round and chamber a new one. Pulling down and pushing up the lever is necessary to be able to use the gun. Operating a lever action rifle is enjoyable and reminiscent of the Wild West. Yet, they are not suitable for combat since they cannot operate in a prone position. Lever-action rifles have a slower rate of fire than semi-autos. They are a little more reliable than bolt-action, generally speaking. As a result, they are not the best choicallself-defense. For all these reasons, the U.S. military doesn’t generally issue lever-action rifles. (Although some US SOCOM operators do have access to them for special operations.) 5. Semi Automatic Rifles A semi automatic rifle is a popular choice for many people in the United States. It is capable of firing one round per trigger pull. This type is popular among gun enthusiasts, hunters, and military personnel. The AR15 platform, in particular, is one of the most popular semi automatic rifles in the nation. It is accurate and reliable for a semi auto. It’s known for its ability to be custom made to fit the user’s needs. The AR15 is used for hunting, target shooting, personal protection, and law enforcement. It has become so popular that many versions of the gun is available in most gun stores. 6. Automatic Rifles An automatic rifle is a type of weapon that can fire as long as the trigger is down and as long as it has ammo. The US armed forces use the M4 carbine, which is capable of semi automatic and burst-fire. These also have a selector switch to shoot full automatic mode. Owning an automatic rifle is attainable for a civilian in the US, but it is not easy. The rifle must have been produced before the 19th of May, 1986, and there is a lot of paperwork to complete. For those looking to save money, avoiding the more popular models like the M16 or Uzi could help. Conclusion There are other types of rifles, such as pump action rifles and a few others. Rifles are diverse, and they each offer something special depending on what you want to use them for. Impact Guns is the top online gun dealer in the US. We offer incredible prices and great customer service to responsible owners. If you’re looking for a gun-shopping website, check out what we offer and give us a call!